Employment Compliance Strategies Case Studies

Our Clients


Our clients are confidential.

However, we are happy to provide you with several case studies.

Workplace Investigations

We successfully conducted an investigation that required interviewing over eighty individuals. By using our translation and interpretation services, we were able to conduct the interviews and provide written materials in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, and Japanese. To lessen the burden on our client, we scheduled all interviews and handled all notifications sent to the interviewees. All our client had to do was provide us with a list of names, and we took it from there. This very successful investigation was completed in a matter of weeks.

Workplace Climate Study

The Board of an international nonprofit organization, with over 300,000 members, engaged us to conduct a workplace climate study of its headquarters. We prepared an anonymous survey explicitly tailored to the organization’s needs and concerns. As a result, 100% of the employees responded to the survey and made themselves available for our strictly confidential one-on-one interviews. We compiled the results of the survey and interviews, redacted any employee identifying information, and provided the results to the Board. As a result, the Board was able to obtain the truth about its workplace environment and make the required changes. The key factor was holding true to our word: that each employee’s survey and interview was strictly confidential. The organization now has a much better and more productive working environment. 

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